Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ajinomoto (MSG) is a quality productprepared with natural ingredients

You would have noticed that some delicacies simply taste heavenly! KikunaeIkeda, a Japanese scientist, found out that the extraordinary
taste in certain dishes comes from Glutamate, an ingredient thatoccurs naturally in fruits and vegetables. He named it Umami. Is Umami a
blend of different tastes like sweet & sour?  Or can we callthis the Fifth taste? That, according
to Kikunae Ikeda, is entirely up to us.

Ajinomoto, or Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), is prepared by thesimple process of fermentation, like how we prepare curd from milk. MSG is
prepared with natural vegetable ingredients like sugarcane, sugar-beet ortapioca. The MSG manufactured by the company named Ajinomoto, comes
from sugarcane & tapioca. It has the capacity to enhance the tasteof food menu/ dishes. You can add this to sambar, rasam, vegetablefries, soups, and curries – any dishes accept bitter & sweet dishesand make them taste much better.

Ajinomoto, with its headquarters based in Japan, is selling its productsall over the world. In order to prove that the product is
safe and harmless, we have obtained the highest possible quality clearancein each of these countries. In India it is approve by FSSAI.Safety certificate is issuedin countries like the United States of America, Japan, Thailand and India,only after strict tests. We are marketing the taste enhancer
Mono Sodium Glutamate, AJI-NO-MOTO® (Umami taste enhancer) all overthe world. This is manufactured with natural ingredients, and without
adding any chemicals, and hence are good for health. But, the world marketis flooded with Chinese and locally manufactured duplicate
products with false labels. The consumers must remain alert aboutsuch fraudulently manufactured products and use only genuine MSG. “On our
part, we too are trying our best to take all necessary precautionsto remove these duplicate products,” said Mr, Govinda Biswas,Ajinomoto’s
Marketing Manager in India.

Mr. Atsushi Mishuku, the Managing Director of Ajinomoto IndiaPrivate Limited, pointed out that the production factory set upnear
Kancheepuram, Chennai, provides employment to many, and added that it wasnecessary in order to distribute and market the products as
swiftly as possible. On the quality of MSG, he said that one ofthe ingredients, ‘Glutamate,’ is present in mother’s breast milk also.
Since it is also present in breast milk, It is safe for consumptionof infant also, he said.

Further elaborating, he said, “In addition to Ajinomoto, wealso manufacture Happima Fried Rice mix; a complete seasoning tomake fried rice;
Blendy, 3-in-1instant coffee and Masala Chai mix; Hapima Crispy Fry Mix toprepare crispy fried restaurant style chicken at home and A&MNoodles. The market has reacted very encouraginglyto these products. With your blessings and support, we would live togrow further and serve you even better,” Mr. Atsushi Mishukusaid, confidently.

In the current scenario, a family can sustain itself only when both thehusband and wife work. It has become normal for the husbands to buyreadymade dough batter for the next day. Since both of them have to leavefor work at the same time, preparing food has now become a challengingtask. Unfortunately, the current generation has accustomed itself tohaving their breakfasts in the hotels and lunches at their officecanteens.

“Healthy nutritious food” has become unavailable for them. In these toughtimes, certain fraudulent companies ride on the backs of other
products and flood the markets with cheap imitations. 90 percent of theIndian consumers are more interested in procuring items that cost
less, instead of quality and originality. This is exploited bythese fraudulent companies.

We as consumers confront various false information on the internet thatconsuming Ajinomoto could be hazardous to health, thereby confusing the users.Are those facts true? Only a very few among us take the trouble to findout if such information is true and differentiate between real and fakeproducts.

The Japanese company Ajinomoto is taking earnest steps to counterthis negative publicity and false information campaign. At least fromthis point onwards, instead of blindly believing anything that appearson the internet, we must be able to cultivate the swan’s talent (ofseparating milk from water) and believe only in the truth