Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Medway Hospitals during this pandemic period, within a year has performed about 50 Kidney transplants successfully

The entire Nephrology team under the able leadership and guidance of Dr. C. M.
Thiagarajan has been tirelessly working all along the pandemic times without even
missing out an opportunity to providing the Kidney care to our patients.
Though there has been panic in the air for the patients to visit the hospitals during
the COVID times, where many hospitals have only been able to provide tele
consultations and investigations.
But despite the challenging COVID environment, our Nephrology team headed by
Dr.C.M.Thiagarajan, Chief Nephrologist took up almost every patient with the same
personal and customized care where the patients needed the transplants to be done.
Medway Hospitals honoured Dr.C.M.Thiagarajan, Chief Nephrologist and his team of
doctors and para medical staff for their who rose up to the occasion and proved yet
again that Healthcare is indeed a noble service to the mankind.
Awards and recognitions were conferred to the team in an event held today at the
Medway Hospitals, which instilled inspiration in the minds of many healthcare
Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Palaniappan, Chairman of Medway Hospitals said,
“Dr. CM Thiagarajan has always been an inspiring leader at Medway Hospitals and
has touched the lives of many patients, saving their lives even in most critical
conditions. He is living in the hearts of many families with gratitude and he sets an
example not only as a Senior Nephrologist but also as a Doctor with a touch of
humanity, especially in the times of need.”
Dr.C.M.Thiagarajan, Chief Nephrologist, former Head of Department of Nephrology,
Kilpauk Medical college, was responsible for 1st successful Live donor renal
transplantation at Madras Medical college and Hospital. He is well known for his
contributions in renal transplantations in India. He is a pioneer of performing renal
transplants in the private sector, which lead to transplant centres all over the state.
He has the Distinction of being a consultant Nephrologist and part of the Renal
transplant team of former chief minister of TamilnaduLate.Dr.M.G.R and many
distinguished statesman. Including former chief minister of Bihar, Mr. Bindeshwar
Dubey, former chief justice of Malaysia, justice Gopal Sriram. Recently he has been
awarded the Dronacharya award.
Dr.D.Divakar, Interventional Nephrologist and physician associated with the team
almost from the inception. He has performed large number of diagnostic procedures
including variety of ultrasound guided Biopsies, Numerous procedures creating
access for hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis even for critical cases. He plays a key
role in the management of patients.
Dr.C.M.Thiagarajan and Dr.D.Divakar has presented various care studies both
Nationally and internationally, published the same.
The affection and loyalty shown by our renal transplant patients to
Dr.C.M.Thiagarajan and Dr.D.Divakar has to be seen to be believed.
The others who were recognized during the event were Dr.Salim J Thomas, The
chief transplant surgeon and Onco surgeon, Dr.K.Jothinathan, General and
Laparascopic surgeon,Dr.Srinivas Prasad, Consultant Nephrologist, Dr. Yuvaraj, Dr.
Sathish Babu and Dr. Haaja Shariff in pre-operative management.