Monday, March 17, 2025

Patrician College of Arts and Science Celebrated its 21st Anniversary

Patrician College of Arts and Science celebrated its 21st Anniversary on 12th August 2022. Prominent alumni were invited as Chief Guests to spread the message to the upcoming generation.

Rev. Bro. Dr. Stanislaus A, Director and Secretary, Patrician College of Arts and Science warmly welcomed the notable alumni for the Anniversary depicting their achievements and laurels in the society.

Mr. Daniel Felix Joseph Chalke, Asst. Professor, Department of Management and IQAC Coordinator, Patrician College of Arts and Science and also one of the notable alumni, released the College Magazine Patronicle for the year 2021-2022. Mr. N. Muthukumaran, Infrastructure specialist, IBM India inaugurated the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), an initiative to benefit the students academically. Ms. Anitha Nancy, Lead-Learning and Development HRBP, ACL Digital launched the theme “Positivity, Perseverance and Progress” for the Academic Year 2022-2023. Mr. Ramesh Kumar, HR Director, YUBI inaugurated the new facilities including Patrician Data Center, Computing Sciences Conference Hall, Patrician Body Mind Soul Harmony Hall, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Patrician Juice Corner, and Interactive Boards.

Further, to encourage both the students and teachers Dr. Fatima Vasanth, Academic Director launched the new Patrician Awards and Recognition.

The Alumni spoke on the values and ethics which were strongly built during their course of study which was helpful in gaining a lot of opportunities in the Corporate World. Dr. Usha George, Principal proposed a vibrant Vote of thanks signaling the end of the program but a beginning to a world of Opportunities