Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Prathyusha Engineering college, conducted a Tamilnadu State level Non-stop marathon coding contest titled CODEATHON 2023, the 12hrs contest started from 10am to 10pm, the jurey of the contest have been invited from ZOHO Corp and Hexware Technologies. A total of 268 Teams consisting of 562 students from various colleges across the state of Tamilnadu were Registered and Participated in the contest.

Shri .M.Ganesh Thirunavakarusu , Regional Head, Academic Interface Programme, Tata Consultancy services was the Chief Guest on this prominent event and inaugurated the contest. The chief guest during his address to the Faculty, Students and Participating Teams highlighted the importance and necessity for enhancing the coding skills of our students to get placed in higher package MNC’s and reputed IT companies. The problem solving skills will also enable the students to emerge as entrepreneurs  and thus help them to achieve their career ambitions.

Earlier the Chairman Shri.P.Rajarao, delivered his presidential address followed by the special address Smt.Prathyusha, CEO during which the CEP has appreciated the efforts put in by the organizers and students. Dr.Beulah Devamalar P M, Director (A&D) in her introductory speech highlighted the need of organizing such technical event for career growth of students.

Dr.Thamba Meshach W, HOD/CSE the chief coordinator of the event briefed about the contest in a nutshell by giving tips to attend the contest with much ease and comfort. He also outlined the rules and regulations of the contest and announced the attractive prizes worth of Rs.1 lac for the winners of the contest.

Capt. R G Thayakaran, Director Placement, Training and Student Affairs formally introduced the chief guest for the benefit of the august gathering, later the Principal Dr.Ramesh Bapu B R, the inaugural function to a close with his Vote of Thanks and signing of the National Anthem