Friday, March 28, 2025

Prathyusha Engineering College16th Graduation Ceremony

16th Graduation Ceremony of Prathyusha Engineering College, Chennai was organized today, at the Conventional Hall, Chennai Trade Center, Nandambakkam, Chennai with great pomp and show. Sri.P.Raja Rao, Chairman of the college declared the Convocation ceremony open.

 A total of 98% of students from 2015-2019, 2016-2020 & 2017-2021 batches have been qualified for the award of Anna University degree. A total of 463 UG Graduands of 2019 batch, 350 UG Graduands of 2020 batch, 376 UG Graduands of 2021 batch, 14 PG Graduands of 2019 batch, 20 PG Graduands of 2020 batch & 21 PG Graduands of 2021 batch have received their Degree Certificates.

23 Students secured the coveted Anna University Rank from these batches and thus made the Alma-mater proud. The Chairman felicitated the top rankers in their respective branches.

While awarding the Degree to the Graduands of 2017-2021 batch, the Chief Guest Sri. SIVARAJAH RAMANATHAN, Mission Director & CEO, StartupTN, Chennai encouraged the students by stating that they should upgrade themselves to the latest technologies and spread their wings wide enough to reach greater heights in their career. He further urged the graduands to have faith in themselves in their soul’s invincible surmise. He admonished the students who are leaving the gateway of this institution are going to enter into a wider sphere of the world. The knowledge they are going to gain or

have already gained here, in either case will be usefully and profitably employed in the practical field. Towards the end of his speech the Chief Guest emphasized that the graduands should cultivate the spirit of enquiry. Graduands should be fearless otherwise they will suffer from intellectual slavery.  He also congratulated the efforts taken by the University Rank Holders who were awarded cash prizes worth Rs.1,00,000/-.

The Chief Guest for the Graduands of 2016-2020 batch,  Sri. KARTHIKEYAN SP, Sr. Technical Director, National Information Centre, Chennai, delivered an inspiring and motivating speech to the graduands. He appealed to the students to understand the objectives of life and thus make their future career which is beneficial to themselves & to the society. He further insisted that the students should develop right attitude and they should be prepared for the change of technology by developing their competency. Right attitude, preparedness and competency will be developed with dedication only. As the students pass out this great citadel of learning, they should always remember the Alma-mater which trained and groomed them besides imparting academic knowledge and thus work for the peace and prosperity of our nation applying the latest, ongoing and ever changing technology.

The Chief Guest for the Graduands of 2015-2019 batch, Sri. JOSEPH JAYARANJAN NARGUNAM, Transformation Director, Wipro Ltd., Chennai delivered the Convocation address and gave away the degree certificates. The Chief Guest during his address to the Graduands appealed to them saying that the education that they received from the Alma- mater and all other sources should be utilized for the purpose of the upliftment of mankind. The purpose of education is man making and to build the society with peace and prosperity. The education should help the Graduands to be free from the evils of the society like caste, creed & color. You should create an egalitarian society – a society that is casteless, colorless and creedless and thus integrate the people, in and around us under one roof for the one national goal i.e., peace and prosperity. I take this opportunity to wishing the graduands of this batch Good luck and Godspeed in all theirn future endeavours to serve mankind in their respective domains and fields.

Earlier, Dr. Shanmuga Sundaram Anandan, Principal welcomed the Chief Guests, invitees and the Graduands to the solemn occasion which marked the 16th Convocation Ceremony of the college.

The Director, Academics & Development – Dr. P.M. Beulah Devamalar conducted the proceedings of the ceremony and highlighted the various achievements of the college during the past 2 decades of its glorious existence. She highlighted the infrastructural enhancements and innovative techniques which motivated the students and faculty in Innovative research projects in association with various Industrial Organizations, MIT Square , London, Infosys Campus Connect, Microsoft Certiport, Kanini Software, Aadhya Skills Pvt. Ltd. , Synchromax,  etc. . She also elaborated on the technical clubs that equip the students with employability skills. She also highlighted the unique achievements, the team Yantramanav emerged National Winners in Flipkart Grid 3.0 Robotics Challenge prize worth Rs.1,50,000/- out of 9549 teams. The college also bagged the winners in Smart India Hackathon for three consecutive years. Needless to say the placement of the college has always been creditable and 100% and our students have been placed in top notch companies with higher CTCs like the Anglo Eastern Shipping Management, Valeo India, Algo Chips, Apollo Computing, Altio Star Networking Pvt. Ltd., CISCO Systems Inc., Intellat Software Limited, Temenos, Coding Mart Technologies, NGP Getsmart etc. Students have also been placed in popular IT companies like, TCS, CTS, HCL, Infosys, Accenture, Wipro, ZOHO, Virtusa, Capgemini, Zifo Technologies etc.

Sri. P. Raja Rao, Chairman, congratulated the graduands and conveyed his best wishes during his address to the graduands. Sri. P.Charan Teja, Vice Chairman, Smt.P. Prathyusha, CEO, Sri. Sairam Vasu M, Advisor and Ex. Capt. NCC RG. Thayakaran, Director, Placement and Training also participated in the Graduation Day celebrations and appreciated the efforts of the graduands.

The solemn occasion was dissolved with the singing of the National Anthem. The graduands were happy to receive their degrees and also shared their experiences at the campus that had enriched their knowledge