Monday, February 24, 2025

Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards 2023 launched by Minister T.Mano Thangaraj

The 6th Season of Sakthi Masala ‘Homepreneur Awards 2023’ (Suyasakthi Viruthugal) Powered by SSVM institutions launched in the city today Thiru. T. Mano Thangaraj, Hon’ble Minister for Milk & Dairy Development Tamil Nadu Government, has launched the 6th season of Naturals presents Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards 2023 (Suyasakthi Virudhugal/

SSVM Institutions, Associate Sponsor Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre a platform providing recognition for women engaged in home-based ventures/business in Tamil Nadu.It is an initiative by Brand Avatar, an integrated marketing communications and brand & event management solutions company the immense success of the event is evident from the fact that more than 15000 enthusiastic registrants over last 5 seasons.

The registration portal – (or) of Homepreneur Awards 6th season, was opened for inviting registrations from home – based women entrepreneurs across Tamil nadu under 12 categories.

Ms. Suhasini Maniratnam, Actress & Director, Founder – Naam Foundation & Ms. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Actress & Founder – Save Shakthi Foundation, took part in the launch ceremony as the guests of honour. The event also attracted the participation of eminent personalities from industries, academia, government, and social service organizations.

Homepreneur Awards has partnered with StartupT to provide an exciting opportunity for homepreneurs to win grants. Last year, two homepreneurs, Ms.Prema Subramanian and Ms. Gayathri Sundar, who were recognized by the Homepreneur Awards, won the TANSEED 4.0 for their businesses. This is a testament to the value and support that the Homepreneur Awards offer to home-based entrepreneurs who are pursuing their passion and creating successful businesses. The partnership with StartupTN has opened up new avenues for homepreneurs to receive financial assistance and further their entrepreneurial journey.

 Homepreneur Awards remain committed to supporting and celebrating home-based entrepreneurs who are making a significant impact on the industry and society.This initiative is also providing college going girls a platform to share their entrepreneurial ideas, and plans to start, execute and scale up their dream ventures through Homepreneur Awards Student edition in association with YI – Young Indians. This initiative will recognise the best ideas presented by the students. Any college-going girl or woman student is eligible to apply.

Talking about Naturals presents Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards powered by SSVM Institutions, Mr. Hemachandran, Founder & CEO, Brand Avatar, said,”Women have always been the contributing members of our society. In addition to discharging their household duties, they support their families economically by operating small or medium businesses from their home. They also take up work as freelancers. These homepreneurs make a world of difference to the local community by creating and supplying quality products and services. Given a right platform to grow, they could scale their venture and become business leaders. We have instituted the Homepreneurs award to bring to the limelight the silent yet significant contributions women make to the society and the economy.”

Homepreneur Awards is unique in the sense that it honors home-based business women, instead of corporate talents. The award was instituted in 2017 and so far five seasons have been held.

The 2023 award ceremony is all set to become a national event. Brand Avatar aims to make the event an international event by 2025.

The last date for sending nominations for the Homepreneur Award, and for the registration of student edition is on 16th June, 2023