Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards Season 7 with tremendous response of over 2500 applications

Homepreneur Awards 2024 – ‘Suyasakthi Virudhugal’ 2024, a platform providing recognition for women engaged in home-based ventures in the country. It is an initiative by Brand Avatar, an integrated marketing communications andbrand&eventmanagementsolutionscompany.After6hugelysuccessful seasons, Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards 7th Season received a tremendous response of more than 2500+ valid Applications from home based business women from across Tamil Nadu. Out ofwhich 800 applications from 60+ regions & cities including Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Pondicherry, Sivakasi, Theni etc. were shortlisted based on their inspirational stories, challenges they faced and solved, business model, products etc.

About Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards – Suyasakthi virudhugal: First of Its kind, honest and transparent, this is a unique Platform for recognizing women who have chosen to pursue their passion through entrepreneurship from home.

A social initiativebyBrandAvatar,SakthiMasalaHomepreneurAwards-Suyasakthivirudhugalhasbeen successfully running for 6 years with more than 10000+ applications received from women across Tamil Nadu so far. More than 400+ women have been awarded as winners creating a positive impact transforming them from just homepreneurs to business entrepreneurs through mentorship, grants etc.

Talking about the award, Mr. Hemachandran, Founder & CEO, Brand Avatar, said, “Sakthi Masala Homepreneur Awards has become the benchmark for home based business women to win, and it has been the only platform that has brought to light the unsung heroes of the entrepreneurship ecosystemwho are doing great things from their homes. The response to season 7 was overwhelming and Homepreneurs are visibly excited and looking forwards. So are we.”

Shortlisted Candidates Jury interview process is happening on 20th and 21st July at Hotel Savera (9.30 am to 5.30 pm both days)

Student Edition: HOMEPRENEUR – STUDENT EDITIONisaninitiativeofSakthiMasalaHomepreneur Awards to recognize and motivate college-going students who are into the field of entrepreneurship. It seeks to enable and provideaplatformforthemtosharetheirentrepreneurialideas,andhowtheyintend to start, execute and scale up. The most feasible and realistic ideas with clarity will be recognized and awarded. Any college-going woman student/ group is eligible to apply