Monday, March 17, 2025

Student’s Prayer meet at St. George School Ground Chennai

Students from various places gathered in multitudes for the special Student’s Prayer meet at St. George School Ground Chennai. The students of Karunya enacted on the theme “ I will be your father and guide you”

All the students were moved by the Holy Spirit when Stella Ramola led the worship session with a burdened heart and teary eyes. The hearts of the people were filled with complete peace.

One testimony that stood out is where a student scored centum in three subjects. Through God’s anointing test turns to testimony. The Jesus Calls prayer team helped students to overcome exam fear through earnest prayer and God’s promises. Samuel Dhinakaran led the testimony session and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran prayed.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the word of God with affirmation. The word was so powerful that many felt God’s hands on them. Surely prayer brings victory. He is your strength in weakness and a stronghold in times of trouble. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the students to be a channel of blessing in life and to Arise and Shine.

Later Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family prayed individually for all the students appearing for the exam to be empowered and assisted them to overcome the exam fear. Come experience God’s immense blessing in the upcoming prayer meet at the Mumbai Student’s Prayer Meet