Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Impact Of Exercise On Liver Disease

Article authored by Dr. Swati Raju, Hepatologist & Liver Transplant Physician

Fortis Hospital, Vadapalani, Chennai

It is a commonly accepted notion that exercise works wonders on the health and wellbeing of any individual. Keeping the mind and body in good health is of utmost importance. While we are all aware that exercise boosts heart and lung functions, nourishes muscles and bonesand increases energy levels, it also reduces the risk of developing one of the most common conditions known as fatty liver disease. It was found that even 60 mins of hard physical activities in a week lowers the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), compared to no physical activity.

Studies suggest that prevalence of NAFLD is around 9% to 32% of general population in India. This silent condition is more prevalent among overweight men than women, especially with diabetes patients. NAFLD can clog arteries, cause stroke and lead to heart failure. Let’s explore how regular exercise works wonders for your liver.

How does exercises impact liver health?

An Inactive or sedentary lifestyle causes weight gain, increased cholesterol levels and uncontrolled sugars. This coupled with unhealthy eating habits causes fat molecules to accumulate in the liver cells. This results in “Fatty Liver Disease”. Over a period, the fat starts to cause inflammation along with scarring of the liver tissue. If this goes unchecked, the liver becomes shrunken (cirrhosis) and can lead to many other complications which can endanger the life. This cascade of complications can be prevented by simply maintaining a healthy body weight with regular exercise and good diet.

What type of exercise?

Any form of exercise is beneficial. It can be something as simple as brisk walking to aerobic exercises, yoga and resistance training. Exercise works by burning fat and improving insulin resistance. Special importance should be given to reduce belly fat. It is worthwhile to note that whether weight loss transpires or not, exercise definitely helps to maintain a good basal metabolic rate thereby causing reduction in fat accumulation in the liver.

Regular physical activity helps to keep the blood sugar and cholesterol levels within normal levels, further minimizing the risk of developing fatty liver.

Examples of exercise

Aerobic – Dancing, Tennis, Cycling, Swimming, Brisk walking, Jogging, or Running

Resistance Training – Dumbbells, Weight training etc.

How much exercise is good?

Consistent, high intensity exercise training is most beneficial for good results. You can start with whatever you are comfortable with and try to achieve multiple days a week with a minimum target of 150 min/week of physical activity. The core idea is to make regular exercise a daily habit and lifestyle choice rather than something that is imposed.

The diet question:

Exercise and healthy diet go hand in hand when one thinks of a healthy lifestyle. A well-balanced diet is the key – one that contains fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, fiber, and healthy fats. It is not advisable to omit any of these components, as our body requires all in the right proportion for it to perform its core functions. Good water intake is also an essential part of having a healthy diet. Foods to be avoided are the one with high sugar, salt, saturated fat and processed food as it not only affects the liver, but also predisposes to Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and high cholesterol. Alcohol consumption and smoking must be strictly avoided.

There are certain foods that help the body in detoxification. Here’s a quick list of food that you can eat as a part of your diet

  • Grapes
  • Nuts of any kind
  • Moderate amount of coffee / tea
  • Blueberries and cranberries
  • Beetroot juice
  • Prickly pears
  • Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli sprouts, and mustard greens
  • Olive oil
  • Fatty Fish

Always choose the exercise you enjoy. Regardless of whether the exercise is low-to-moderate or moderate-to-high intensity, the take home message is “Exercise Regularly”. Physical activity not just helps in shedding the excess fat, but also changes the way you feel about yourself. So, be it Zumba or simple walking or jogging, commit to it and live healthy